Welcome, and migration notes

Welcome to the new home of SpareOom! As you’ve doubtless already seen, it looks different from the Yahoo group–it’s designed as a responsive web forum first, but it also has strong email capabilities. This means you can continue to use the group as an email list, if that’s what you prefer. You can visit and interact on the web if you like. I hope you’ll find this a good place to continue to discuss Jack, Tollers, and the rest.

A couple of notes:

  • You’ll see I’ve started uploading photos, but there are more that need to be uploaded. Still working on that. I’m uploading them under the user who initially posted them to Yahoo.
  • In the migration, most usernames were lost. If you’d like your username set back to what it was (or to something else), just let me know and I’ll make the change.
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Hi Dan.

Could you change my user name from Eric_Pontin to Eric.

Many thanks

Great job Dan. Thanks for taking this on!.

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Please yes, when you have time, Dan. I’d like to be Carolyn Janson again!