60th anniversary

Dear friends
Today, 22nd November, is the 60th anniversary of the death our beloved friend and mentor, C.S.Lewis.

Dear Lord and Father,
I thank you for the life and works of this wonderful creation of Yours, who has so often led me out of confusion into your Light. Pray to God for us, dear Jack! Amen!

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Hello Peter and all,
I just saw a photo memory of this day, ten years ago, when we were at Westminster Abbey for the dedication of the plaque to CS Lewis. I tried to attach a picture but the group settings don’t allow it, I think?
Anyway, greetings to you all on this day.

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Thanks, Junia,
Here are a few photos from that occasion:

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Who are the ladies in the picture?

No one from this group, I’m afraid.
L to R:
My wife, Heidrun
Lara Ouchi (now Hashimoto) from Japan, whom I met at a C.S.Lewis summer seminar at the Kilns in July 2013
Stephanie Summers from NZ
<name escapes me, sorry> from USA, also from the 2013 seminar.